A review by bryckklovesbooks
Snapdragons by January Rayne


Rhett & Mickey: Unhinged, Consuming, Sweet Stalker Love! 5 Stars!

Finally! Book Two of the Monster Stalker Series of Shallow Cove Dark Dimensions Series, SNAPDRAGONS is here! I am obsessed with HONEYSUCKLES, so you can understand my excitement about this release. The second Monster DNA Experiment lived up to everything I expected and more! January Rayne once again has proven what a talented writer she is! SNAPDRAGONS is amazing!

Our latest DNA experiment victim gone rogue is Rhett Royals, a down-on-his-luck mechanic who owns a small business drowning in debt. Rhett is hardworking and an all-around good person, so it is devastating that he became a victim of the evil scientists at the Shallow Cove Institute. As with Creed in HONEYSUCKLES, Rhett escapes. Which is perfect timing as Rhett has discovered he has a mate. So, in monster stalker fashion, Rhett begins his relentless pursuit of his chosen and will stop at nothing until he claims his “Beloved”, sealing their bond.

Meet Mickey: Rhett’s Beloved and domestic violence survivor. Mickey is trying to rebuild her life after escaping a traumatic relationship with her ex-boyfriend. With the help of her siblings, Mickey purchases an old house by a lake in need of restoration. She finally feels safe and at peace in her new surroundings. However, her peace of mind doesn’t only come from the tranquility of the lake. Strangely, it comes from the out-of-place, monstrous gargoyle statue taking up residence on her front lawn. As Rhett grows more obsessed and Mickey more drawn to the odd statue, she swears is alive, will an unknown from the past prevent Mickey from living long enough to find her ‘happily ever after’?

Author, January Rayne has once again managed to push all my emotional buttons in the book! While reading SNAPDRAGONS, I felt joy, anger, sadness, humor, and sympathy for both Rhett and Mickey, as both suffered tremendously before they found each other. January Rayne tackled the topic of domestic violence with sensitivity, thoughtfulness, and respect. She made Mickey an inspiration by showing her gain the strength and fortitude to move past her trauma to focus on her reintegration into society and in trusting others.

I loved Rhett from the very beginning and became choked up at the level of trauma he suffered, not only at the hands of the Institution, but from life in general. Many of us can relate to the trauma of going from success to failure through no fault of your own. In a twisted way, Rhett became Mickey’s anchor and lean-to for comfort in times of uncertainty. What stole my heart was the way Rhett unselfishly offered up himself as a tribute to Mickey for her to heal herself, giving her that soft place to land as she recovered and became a stronger person.

SNAPDRAGONS is a VERY spicy read. Therefore, you are advised to read the trigger warnings at the beginning of the book very carefully before diving in. Keep in mind, Rhett is a MONSTER and not a MAN. Monsters do monstrous things. So, remember this while reading and witnessing the lengths Rhett goes through to be with Mickey and how consumed he becomes with possessing her.

There were so many erotic scenes that made me question my own level of freakiness! No spoilers given, but that bathroom scene… Rhett, Rhett, RHETT!!! My Lordt… why does your actions have me questioning my own level of decency! Why are these violent delights of his so freaking sexy and hot?! You must read it for yourself. Because… yeah… I’ll need to unpack these new feelings and urges later. Thanks, January!

There were so many funny moments where I laughed out loud. It was so good to return to Shallow Cove and meet up with old friends! If you loved HONEYSUCKLES and are a huge Eternally Series fan, you’ll LOVE this book. Especially towards the end! (Still squealing off the awesomeness of those final chapters!)

If you weren’t particularly pleased with our last monster, Creed, I invite you to meet Rhett. He is such a different type of monster than Creed is. Whereas Creed was perfect for Demi, Rhett is just the right kind of monster for Mickey. January Rayne scored big with this one and I cannot wait to meet my next monster DNA experiment!

Happy reading!