A review by sanaastoria
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld by Patricia A. McKillip


[4 Stars] There are some things I despise about this book, but there are also things I cannot help but love. Objectively this is a 3 star book, but when I read its lyrical prose about love, it moves me in ways recent books have not. I see Sybel and the Liralen and Tam, and I cannot help but love them. This book is not for everyone. Even I need to be in a certain mood to love it, but it was worth it for me.

"What do you think love is—a thing to startle from the heart like a bird at every shout or blow? You can fly from me, high as you choose into your darkness, but you will see me always beneath you, no matter how far away, with my face turned to you. My heart is in your heart. I gave it to you with my name that night and you are its guardian, to treasure it, or let it wither and die."