A review by bengriffin
For the Love of God Marie! by Jade Sarson


Probably the loveliest book I read all year. The writing is filled with a warmth that matches the narrative, it's both sexy and sex-positive and is wonderfully queer with a fierce attitude that demands inclusivity and insists everybody deserves love. The characters are endearing and flawed, and the artwork is gorgeous, expressive, and detailed. The colours are beautiful and the paper stock is impressive and changes hue as you get closer to the present day, which is a subtle touch I really appreciated. It manages to hit moments of tenderness and devastation, nail real moments in relationships both good and bad, but ultimately leave you with a joy and positivity that were much needed this year. I don't usually like the term heart-warming, but it really is. It's beauty for both eyes and soul and I came away feeling warm and fuzzy and wanting to spread at least a fraction of the love that Marie does. Highly recommended.