A review by volbet
Revolt Against the Modern World by Guido Stucco, Julius Evola


There's something tragically funny in the introductions to the book trying to establish Evola as a non-racist, while entire text is drenched in racial ideas. It is true that the racism isn't so much i the modern sense, but praising a cast system, where aryans just so happen to be on top, is still racist non the less.

But not all the ideas here is to do with race, after all. It's all about Tradition and anti-modernism. There certainly is something to be said about the modern condition and humanities ever decreasing place within it but Evola does little to establish a solution. His main critiques basically points out a problem and then ipso facto establishes Tradition as the solution.
There's also something ironic in such a scathing critique of modernism using methodologies and thematic tool so heavily birthed from the all mother of modernism, the Renaissance. Both the scholastisism and idealism employed in this text is very much a product of German modernism, and it's evolution in the Conservative Revolution.