A review by jane_kelsey
Infection by Bryan James

LZR-1143: Infection is THE Zombie novel to read if you are a fan of the genre! I don’t just like this guy’s writing, I absolutely love it!

Mike McKnight (ha!), and ex-action movie star is a mental patient at the high security facility after he was convicted of brutally murdering his wife. More than a year passed since they locked him in there and one morning he wakes up from his normal stupor, the door to his room open and nobody in sight. But he is not alone. From deep within the darkness, something hideous comes out in search for flesh.

Soon after his encounter with the first flesh-eater, Mike finds himself in the company of a young female psychiatrist and some other inmates, my favourite being Fred. This forms an off pair in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by Zombies. They manage to escape the institution and facing more and more dangers in their quest for food and safety while their numbers fall short as the ravaging infection takes over.

I loved the style of the book and the fact that the story is shown through the eyes of Mike’s character. I liked the witty banter and the way the writer decided to express himself and keep me on the hook. Also the fact that the main character was a hunk with a memory loss and prosecuted for murder makes him unique and entertaining, especially when people, the few ones still alive, recognise him.....

(Read my full review at http://janekelsey.wordpress.com/2014/07/22/lzr-1143-infection-by-bryan-james/)