A review by fritz42
Like You've Nothing Left to Prove by E.L. Massey


I truly wish there was a way to rate this higher than 5 stars. This is definitely going down on my all-time favorite lists and staying on the home page on my NOOK for when I need to get lost in a really good book.

I loved/adored the first book of the series, [b:Like Real People Do|59694324|Like Real People Do (Breakaway #1)|E.L. Massey|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1637768499l/59694324._SY75_.jpg|93998762], and I had high hopes for this one. IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT! Alex and Eli were amazing in this book, facing and overcoming the difficulties thrown at them. I love how both of them turned to each other, unafraid of asking for what they needed when problems were overwhelming. (Both of them have grown so much.) Their wonderful, quirky banter was there, and I laughed my way through the book.

And speaking of banter, the team banter in the 2nd period of the Coyote game is worth the price of the book and then some. I had to read that particular part of the book to my husband. I LOVED the support Alex got from his team and team management.

What I really appreciated was the lack of manufactured conflict and angst. Any angst was organic and came from the stress from outside their relationship. And it was their relationship that helped get them through the difficulties they had to endure.

I can't get enough of these two. The book sets up many possible additional books in the series, and that makes my Super Fan heart so happy. [a:E.L. Massey|22021465|E.L. Massey|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1677334697p2/22021465.jpg] is now on my auto-buy list.