A review by shellballenger
The Banker by Penelope Sky


Type of read: Lunch/Weekend Read.

What made me pick it up: I downloaded 'The Banker' during the Stuff Your Kindle event.

Overall rating: I love reading complicated stories with extensive worlds and diverse, complex characters, but sometimes, a girl needs something quick, easy, and smutty. I'm not above saying that I enjoy a good smut reading session, so when it came to Stuff Your Kindle Day and the goal is basically to download as many books as I possibly can, 'The Banker' ended up in my Kindle library. Here's the thing, if you want a book that is a lot of sex and not a lot of substance...or at least the substance isn't well written and it's just reminding us of how powerful someone is and how in need someone else is, then 'The Banker' is the book for you. Yes, there are some great spicy scenes; however, for me, the fact that it's so poorly written really took me out of it. Maybe it's just not my type of spice, and that's ok. Between the poor writing, the (for me) lines crossed with consent, and the fact that I finished the book and don't really care about purchasing the others in the series, I wouldn't be able to recommend 'The Banker.'

Reader's Note: 'The Banker' includes themes of sex, murder, corruption, and dark romance. There are also multiple mentions of threatened rape and killing and near the end of the book there is a nonconsensual sex scene between partners