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A review by inkerly
Well, That Escalated Quickly: Memoirs and Mistakes of an Accidental Activist by Franchesca Ramsey


Wish this book would be updated for 2020

First off, I want to start off by saying I love Franchesca Ramsey. I started watching her YouTube videos in my freshman year of High School to be more ‘woke’ on social justice issues, and she’s educated me more than any history textbook could have. But I was slightly disappointed in this book to say the least. Why?

Well first, the fact that I never knew she had released a book until now, 2020!

And second, because a lot has changed in her life now that makes me wonder if this book was pushed out too early to give a thorough reflection about her life as an accidental activist.

It felt very rudimentary to read (or in my case listen to). I think I’m not the intended audience for this book, or if I am, this book just rubbed me the wrong way with how she essentially talks the same way she talks in her MTV Decoded series and other YouTube videos—-like she’s educating us, or trying to make zingy jokes about incidents in her past. Which I get—-her BRAND is literally being an “accidental activist “. (And did I mention the dad-humor???? If social justice humour and dad humour collides, in a way this book would be the brainchild of that)

But it doesn’t help an average person can gain any deeper insight into how she came to adjust to that responsibility given to her by “woke Media”, or why her activism became so personal and inspiring. I know Franchesca Ramsey: the Youtuber. But I still didn’t feel like I came out of it knowing Franchesca Ramsey: the human being.

Now in 2020, after her divorce from her ex husband Pat (and some cryptic tweets she made that might suggest it wasn’t an amicable one?) and her public coming out as bisexual, I feel like it was a HUGE LET DOWN to me and her core fan base for this book to have been released so early in her career!

She may have gotten internet famous for a comedic micro aggression video but she’s done and become SO MUCH MORE, that I know I’ll be seeing her face on my feeds again. I wish you ever so well Ms.Franchesca. And I hope you’ll let your true audience see your growth.