A review by achristinething
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures by Anne Fadiman


This book is required reading for Columbia University's nursing program and even though I ultimately decided not to go there I decided to read the book anyway. I think it should be required reading for any health care provider.

I loved the way the book was written. Fadiman is an excellent writer. The characters really came alive and you could easily see the viewpoint from both sides and the tragedy in the situations. Although there was also light hearted moments.

It made me think a lot and I think will make me a better provider and human being. I love it when non-fiction isn't stale or boring. I learned a lot about Hmong culture and about compromise, listening and what is truly helpful. I'm really interested in going into pediatrics so I especially loved the description of Lia's personality and issues that are specific to pediatrics.

It's a page turner. I have less markings in the book towards the end because I kept wanting to find out what happens next. The ending wasn't really my favorite. I wanted to know more but I guess it's "artsy"

Favorite quotes:
"...the world is full of things that may not seem to be connected but actually are; that no event occurs in isolation; that you can miss a lot by sticking to the point"

"When you're confronted with a difficult decision, it's nice to talk to someone whose judgment you respect. Am I thinking okay? Would you offer anything else? Can I do anything else?"

"'There was usually no interpreter,' Jeanine recalled, 'but you know Foua and I communicated more through the soul anyway. We held each other a lot.'"

the eight questions:
What do you call the problem?
What do you think caused the problem?
Why do you think it started when it did?
What do you think the sickness does? How does it work?
How severe is the sickness? Will it have a short or long course?
What kinds of treatment do you think the patient should receive? What are the most important results you hope she receives from the treatment?
What are the chief problems the sickness has caused?
What do you fear most about the sickness?