A review by aliciamae
48 Liberal Lies About American History: (That You Probably Learned in School) by Larry Schweikart, Sean Pratt


This book was something a family member gave me a few years ago, and the title almost kept me from picking it up. Despite that, I'm glad I did. Many of the myths explored were never something I was taught in public high school or as a history minor in college. (I should note though that some more conspiracy-minded/less well informed friends have stated several of the lies as facts, some of which they were taught as a student. So depends on who your teacher is/where you go, I guess.) I like getting another viewpoint on things, even when it does not line up with my own worldview. I would have liked it better if instead of going for quantity (48), Schweikart would have focused on quality and really gone in depth on some of his arguments.