A review by pagesplotsandpints
My Darling Boy by Helen Cooper


Read Completed 1/26/25 | 3.25 stars | Read #8 of 2025

Helen Cooper is still an auto-read author for me ever since I read her debut and loved it, but I have yet to find that magic again in her latest reads. MY DARLING BOY was a decent read, but I just never really connected with it like I had hoped. 

I generally prefer first person for thrillers over third person, but if it's a well-written book and it works, I don't even notice when it's third person POV. This one stuck out to me, though. I got the two main characters/moms mixed up for a long time and who was whose mother. I don't know why it was confusing, but for some reason it was. They felt a little too similar and it just wasn't sticking in my head. 

The plot was fine, but nothing too wild. There were some twists, but nothing too jaw-dropping. I think there were a few more things that could have been more suspenseful or developed to really pull readers into the plot a bit more. This just didn't have the magic for me, and that's okay! Still a find read, but this won't be anything memorable for me.