A review by jessreadsfiction
Hope Like Wildflowers by Pepper Basham


✅ Historical Romance
✅ Relatable and moving faith!
✅ Beautiful redemptive arc.
✅ Surprisingly suspenseful!

Have you ever read a book that had you question your entire rating system and suddenly re-define what type of books deserve the coveted 5-star rating? THIS is one of those books for me! I was sucked in from the beginning. Hope Like Wildflowers reads like one of your best friends who you’ve known for your entire life. The kind of friend who knows the good, the bad, the ugly, and the even uglier. You follow the story of Kizzie McAdams as she discovers the harsh realities of life outside of her perfect, beautiful home in the mountains. This story wrestles with some big questions for her (and us) - Is she worthy of love? Why would God forgive her? Will He abandon her baby who is innocent in this? Is she worthy of anyone’s kindness or forgiveness now? Will she ever stop messing up? Will she ever be enough?

As a professing Christian and an avid Christian Fiction reader, this book hit home for me. Life is not perfect. We all make mistakes - we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. Is that enough to have Him turn His back on us for good, though? This is the very same question we watch Kizzie struggle with as she learns to navigate life in a world that isn’t as kind as she once naively thought. The struggles in this book are one everyone can relate to in one way or another. This story takes you on a beautiful journey of loss, sin, perseverance, strength, and redemption. I can’t recommend this book enough. BUY THIS BOOK. This is not one you’ll want to just get from the library and return - you’ll want this one on your shelf to return to time and time again!