A review by andforgotten
Spider Bones by Kathy Reichs


Ah I should have gone to goodreads earlier. It's immensely puzzling to see the same book with two different titles, just because it's from a different publisher. Whoever had that stupid idea?

Proper review:
Though Kathy Reichs has certainly written better novels, this one was quite a nice read. It took me 4 days to read all of the 300 pages and it's been a while since a book made me do that. As always, Kathy Reichs certainly knows how to keep up the suspension.

As for the case... well, I somewhat doubt that the cases would all be connected like that and that she suddenly thinks of a rare genetic disorder that explains why the DNA doesn't fit, but we probably wouldn't read a book if it stayed completely true to life ;)

Other than that I just want Tempe & Ryan to get over themselves.