A review by eyreibreathe
The Last Flight by Julie Clark


Claire is desperate to flee from her abusive husband.  When she randomly bumps into Eva, who is also on the run, at the airport, the two women make the quick decision to swap plane tickets - Claire will take Eva's ticket to Oakland, and Eva will take Claire's ticket to Puerto Rico.  It's the perfect plan.  When the plane to Puerto Rico crashes, however, Claire has no choice but to assume Eva's identity along with whatever secrets she was running from. ⁣⁣
My thoughts:⁣⁣
This was a compelling read, you guys!  A woman fleeing her abusive husband, a covert identity swap, a plane crash... such a creative mix of ingredients, serving up a uniquely addictive thriller.  I also liked that there were a few elements of mystery at play in this book, making it that much more intriguing.  I couldn't wait to see how it would  all turn out, and I found myself flying through the pages to get to the big reveal.  One thing I personally found unexpected was how attached I grew to one of the characters. I don't want to say too much because this is a spoiler free zone, but I found myself rooting for her even if I didn't always agree with her. ⁣⁣