A review by kingkrazy
Way of the Wolf: Become a Master Closer with Straight Line Selling by Jordan Belfort


I probably missed the boat on this. Every once in a while, being in the sales world I like to pick up a sales book to see if I can pick up something new. Old dog new truck type of thing

There are some good points in this book. But I always tend to disagree with a tribe says that their book is the end all. Read this book and I guarantee success beyond all expectations. That type of book doesn’t exist. If it did there would be no more books in the subject. My other draw back on this book is the author basically saying he is the best, one in a million and then there is everyone else. This may be true. I don’t know. But saying is something I’m not a fan of

Like I said there are some good tips in here I will take to work. But that is what most sled books are to me.

Is it worth a read? Absolutely. But take it for what it’s worth and get what you can out of it