A review by justabooktrovert
Embracing His Syn by A.E. Via


This was an interesting read. The characters weren’t as developed as the two characters God & Day from book 1. Though I was glad this book didn’t have multiple partners as book one did as that felt forced at the end of that one. Anyway, we have Furi who is in hiding from his abusive husband and Syn who just moved to town joining the ATL PD Narcotics Task Force. There's some odd plot surrounding the female vs. male coworkers at the porn studio where Furi works at and somehow his husband gets involved in that, which never made sense how that happened. There’s hinting at the fact that perhaps Syn had a thing for his prior work partner but nothing came of that. The dynamic in the bedroom versus out is a complete role reversal and interesting. There were lots of spicy scenes, perhaps a tad too many as I found skimming them after the first few, just to get back to the plot of the story. Overall, it wasn’t a bad book and I enjoyed most of it.