A review by jhawkx3
Chrysalis by Kilby Blades


Chrysalis is the ending we’ve all been waiting for for Darby and Micheal following their year long relationship in the first book, Snapdragon. This time it’s Michaels story and it highlights their new relationship which for the most part is long distance and in limbo. After going their separate ways from their “friends-with-benefits” relationship, the feelings that they realized they felt for each other allow them to fall into this unspoken relationship while they find the courage and the right time to go all in. Darby and Michael both experience some crazy life changes and with each other by their sides, they begin to realize what they really want.

I was looking forward to this book and I’m sad to say I was a little disappointed. I absolutely loved the first book, Snapdragon and this conclusion to Darby and Michaels story just didn’t hit the same as their beginning. It was still really great story, it was just different this time. I still absolutely loved their close connection, their connection was on a whole other level and it was extremely romantic. Maybe a little too much for me, but it works. I really enjoyed the vigilante work and the political savvy of Darby. I knew she had grown up in the middle of politics but I liked that she put it all to good use. Kilby did a wonderful job on this book and I’m happy to finally see Darby and Michaels HEA. Overall great book, definitely recommend this book for those who like a modern romance.

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving a free copy.