A review by mynameismarines
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling


[December 23, 2016] - Marking for reread.

That sweet, sweet half-an-hour during which Harry thinks he's going to leave the Durseley's.

Also: Dumbledore the puppet master, man. He's like, "you guys go run around in time. I'mma be here. Locking this door.

Also: I was super aware of all the times this book used the world "seriously" and I chuckled every time.

[November 23, 2015] - Marking for re-read. The time turner has got to be objectively one of the biggest pieces of contrivance in the series, but I love it so much. I mean, I love those scenes and the way that they play out (here and in the movie as well).

I've been super sensitive throughout this re-read to Snape's awful behavior. I know he's got that whole complicated BS with Harry going on, but the truth is that he's awful to pretty much all the students. Neville's greatest fear in he whole world is Snape and I CANNOT HANDLE THAT. He's such a bad teacher and a resentful person.

That's highlighted by the arrival of Lupin who I love even more this 3rd time through. I felt so sad for him and all the times we're told he looks ill, but he's patient and kind and, you know, a good teacher. This guy is turning into an animal every full moon AND HE'S STILL A BETTER TEACHER THAN SNAPE.

The worst part of it all for me, though, was when Snape came into Lupin's class and taught them a class on werewolves. Low blow, asshole.


So many staples of this world show up here from Hogsmeade to the Marauder's Map and even Crookshanks and I loved reading about them.

Lastly, Sirius asking Harry to come live with him only to have that prospect almost immediately taken away from him? Breaks my heart.

[December 3, 2013] - Marking for re-read. First time through this was the story where I fell in love with the series. I enjoyed the first and second books, but here, that enjoyment grew to love. I also remember being in insta-love with Sirius Black, which is curious, considering how very little he appears in a favorable light. I guess past me just knew what was up.

Reading now, knowing the future, it broke my heart every step of the way. I love Sirius something awful, so seeing the introduction of his character was bittersweet. I still really appreciate this book for its pieces of history. Lupin is another one of my favorites and his class was fun to attend, even second hand.

Man, re-reading is fun.