A review by wyntrchylde
Too Many Tamales by Gary Soto by Gary Soto, Gary Soto


Too Many Tamales
Author: Gary Soto, Ed Martinez
Publisher: The Putnam & Grosset Group, Paperstar
Publishing Date: 1993
Pgs: 32
Facts of Life

Why this book:
Was browsing the New Arrivals Rack and this was in the Children's section next to the Young Adult section, and while I do still read YA fairly often, I seem to never even glance in the Children's section at the New Arrivals. Isn’t really a New Arrival. Not sure how it ended up in that section. But, how could I resist something called Too Many Tamales?
Favorite Scene:
The “Oh, I’m so full” scene when they decide to make more tamales speaks to me.

Cover and Interior Art:
The art is great.

Are those tamales on the cover radioactive? That is a whole lot of orange.

Suspension of Disbelief:
The children I know and have known at the age of the characters, and the fact that I used to be a kid…really, I did, in the book would never have grown tired of eating tamales after two each. Not really a quibble, but funny.

Your ~ism is Showing:
Despite the, possibly editorial added, orange filtering/tone of the color scheme, I can’t figure out why this book is on Banned Book lists in Texas and Florida, et al. Funny how many of those lists show bunches of books, but not a reason for the ban. Think the banners ~isms may be showing…not showing/hiding as the case may be.