A review by eantoinette285
This Man Confessed by Jodi Ellen Malpas


Three... Two... One.... Zero, baby. This.freaking.series!!! I honestly almost gave up half way through this book, settling for chucking it across the room in frustration rather than deal with the roller coaster relationship of Jesse and Ava. These are the most infuriating people on the planet!! I can't help it, I love them anyway.

The more I read other reviews and progressed through this series, I realized they were NOT a normal couple, and their behavior with each other got down right scary a few times (okay, a LOT of times). Thankfully, they even came to terms with the fact that they weren't normal, and the more Jesse's past fought to the surface of their turmoil, the more sense their behavior made. I had to see how their ending turned out, and I'm glad I did.

I can't help it, when it comes to my fiction and my big, dominant, alphas.. I love when they're completely tormented and come with baggage. I want them to heal and find happiness. Maybe because I feel while we're all on this earth, at some point, we deserve to be stupidly happy.. So I route for it despite the pain it sometimes takes to get there.

The ending of this series was just completely lovely. I will not spoil anything, but I'm elated I didn't have to toss this book away from me in an emotional rage. The difficulties Jesse and Ava endured together and separately just tied the whole ending together in the most bittersweet little bow. End of.