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A review by noa_ashley_
Their Wicked Ways by Willow Dixon


This is the first book by Willow Dixon that I have read and I LOVED IT SO MUCH. This has every little thing I love in a book: found family, characters that are open, check in with each other and talk about their feelings, talkes about mental health, they do little things for each other. They understand each so good.

This book feels like a warm hug, a safe space to let go for a little while and just enjoy a book, I haven't read the rest of the Serie but I'm excited to read it.

Ezra and Wesley have been in a relationship for 8 years, their relationship is so healthy. They know each other so good that they understand what the other is thinking by only looking at them. They decided to have some fun with Jett, a one night stand, but this one night stand feels so different from other times they had fun with someone else.

Jett is so reliable, I think all the characters are in some way. Trying to be an adult but they don't know how it all works, having so much anxiety about things that might seem small to other but in reality are feeling like big things. Having an appointment and just waiting all day until it's time because you feel like you can't do anything until that appointment. 

This book really made me feel seen and made me understand more things about myself. I love the characters so much, they deserve the world and they deserve each other. They always listen and never made someone feel like their feelings aren't valid. 

Here are some (random) quotes that I love 

"They gave me every opportunity to stop them, and even in my lust-induced haze, I trusted them when they said I was in control, and they'd stop if I asked or said no."  - Jett

"We don't have the right to tell you what you can and can't do. And you have every right to keep that to yourself. You're an adult, and it's not fair for us to project our feelings about the situation onto you."  - Wesley

"It's okay to have opinions or to ask for what you want, your needs and wants matter too." - Ezra 

This is 100% a 5 star ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ book for me. This book made me smile, laugh out loud and cry. This is beautiful and healing to read. I love them all equally. I just feel that they will stay in my head forever. 

I read this book as an ARC. Thank you so much for the opportunity ❤️