A review by courtney_in_chaos
Kodiak's Claim by Eve Langlais


Ugh, this just didn't work for me. To be honest, I only picked it up because other books in the series sounded good, and I hate reading things out of order, but I shouldn't have bothered. There was seriously no chemistry between the MCs, and the author seemed most concerned about making sure we never forgot that the heroine was overweight rather than make an interesting story.

I usually stay away from books that make a big deal about proclaiming to have a "curvy" heroine, and this book is the perfect example why. For some reason, anytime a heroine has a BMI over 25, she becomes this ridiculous caricature, where her weight isn't a physical attribute, but rather the entire sum of her personality. It's the really the worst kind of pandering.

So as our stereotypical BBW heroine, Tammy talks about food and eating all the time. Enter a kitchen? Well, she has to mentally comment how she's more likely to appreciate a good one because she loves to eat. Break up with a boyfriend? Let's have a steak, and some ice cream, and a huge list of other things, even though they aren't important to the story - but the author wants you to remember she's fat, and you might forget otherwise. And let's not forget the subtle body shaming of women who don't wear a large clothing size. Tammy has to constantly point out that she eats lots of great food and "skinny" women only eat salads. Ugh, bad, just bad.

And of course Tammy needs constant validation that she's attractive despite the fact that Reid gives no indication that her weight is a problem. It's irritating. Not to mention how she has to get all giddy when Ursa calls her "wee" or when Reid can lift her up despite how heavy she is. Seriously, if your weight bothers you, do something about it. If it doesn't, than stop talking about it! The author made it very clear what Tammy's size was in the first chapter. We didn't need any of this extra garbage.

And the piece de resistance of every single romance with a fat heroine?

Girl: You find me attractive even though I'm so fat?
Boy: Of course. I don't want some skinny girl that's all bones. I want something to hold on to.

Bleh. Let's just insult all the other women. That'll work. /s Why do authors try to gain readership this way? Want to write a fat girl? Fine. Just make her weight one of her features, not her defining characteristic. It takes away from the story.

End rant