A review by aubers
The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education by Diane Ravitch


This book was really valuable, and also really terrifying. Ravitch really clearly explains how many of the programs and reforms that are supposed to improve our education system are actually sabotaging it. Examples: 1. No Child Left Behind demands that all American students are proficient in Math and English by 2014 (according to standardized tests. This is impossible, so the states are lowering the standard of "proficient" so that more kids fall under that umbrella. 2. Charter Schools claim to get higher test scores than traditional public schools, but unlike traditional public schools, charters can avoid, reject, or "counsel out" students who would have low test scores. these students end up back in the traditional public schools, who then get punished for having lower test scores. It's really disturbing and frightening that I'm going into a profession where big choices effecting my livelihood will be made by hucksters and businessmen with no idea about classrooms.