A review by archytas
The Inner Clock: Living in Sync with Our Circadian Rhythms by Lynne Peeples

informative reflective slow-paced


I read this book when jet lagged, and now coming to review it, my memories of the details are a little hazy. I'd call this ironic but that isn't what ironic means. Grimace worthy, yes.
What I do remember is that a) there was a wealth of detail on how to better align your circadian rhythms, b) it was a little terrifying to realise the impact of indoor life and our unhelpful approach to lighting* is, c) Americans still start schools at ludicrous hours of the morning and should just stop and we shouldn't need evidence on anything for that, it is just dumb d) Peeples, like many experts deeply engaged with their subject, can see cicardian disruption at the heart of most social ills - at times perhaps in isolation from other things. e) At times, Peeples seems to want to return to some kind of idealised relationship with our natural clocks - and one based on static hours, rather than changes with the seasons. Humans, however, did not really evolve on the equator - I thought this was odd.
Would recommend, but maybe try reading it when appropriately rested.

*Nowhere near bright enough during the day; far too bright and far too blue at night.