A review by this_astronaut
Night Shift by Stephen King


I like Stephen King, and I tend to feel like his short stories are some of his best.This is one of the early ones so it's pretty much all straight horror, and it's kind of what I call the campfire story variety, i.e. short and quick, doesn't generally end well because the point is to leave you unsettled at the end, and a lot of these do it well! (The two or three that I needed to end well or it would be too much for me did though, so that's nice.) The Ledge was a particular favorite. There were two 'Salem's Lot tie in stories which was fun because I loved that book. The Last Rung On The Ladder was the one that hit me hardest emotionally. I had to put the book down and recover a bit after that one. I Am The Doorway as well, though not to the same level.