A review by etienne02
The Bridge by Jane Higgins


Wich side are you with?

That is the big question.
This book told a story of one man living one side of a bridge and believe what eveyone from his side believe. But one day, for some reason that i wont tell to not give out the story, he have to go on the other side, and he came to see whattheiroint of view is.
This is. Good atory about politics, war, philosophy. A story that made you think about the fact that their is always to side, to point of view, to a story, to a situation, and thatyour opinion his influence by a lot of factor that are not always neutral.
The only reason why a dont give it a five star his because i never be able to fully feel the feeling of the character, their is a distance from the reader to the character that i never was able to pass theough. Dont get me wrong, the character re good and we love them, but their is a little something that is missing.
But anyway I will recommend this book to everybody. Very good book!