A review by annaptobias
Daytime Shooting Star, Vol. 4 by Mika Yamamori


DSS is the second manga series that I’m keeping up with where the couple I'm supposed to root for has a significant enough age difference (Living Room Matsunaga-San is the other one). In this volume, our main couple is dealing with the repercussions of Suzume, the high schooler, confessing her feelings to Shishio, her teacher.

So, tell me again why this volume features a date in the acquarium?

SpoilerI think what’s bothering me about Shishio (the teacher, the adult!) is that he doesn’t realize that he’s playing with Suzume’s heart. A true shoujo heroine, she’s cheerful and resilient and bounces back from heartbreak pretty quickly, but that doesn’t mean that she has forgotten the rejection. And, as the heroine, she’s not going to be written as jaded and cynical as to refuse free admission to something as fun as going on an outing with her friends (and the guy who rejected her). But he should know better! Don’t make goo-goo eyes when you see her all pretty and dressed up! Don’t hold her hand and pretend you’re a couple! That’s not fair.