A review by jessreadsfiction
Never Leave Me by Jody Hedlund


✅ Time Travel Suspense Romance
✅ 1382 Canterbury, England & Modern Day
✅ Engaging and fast-paced
✅ Age Gap Romance

Never Leave Me is book 2 in the Waters of Time series by author Jody Hedlund. Once again, we are thrust back in time thanks to the sacred properties inside of the holy water believed to be derived from the seeds from the Tree of Life from the Garden of Eden. This book follows Harrison and Ellen and I was ecstatic to discover that! Harrison was one of my favorite characters from the first story. He shows us how trial and disaster can only make you stronger. His optimism throughout shows us that if we allow the Lord to use our trials for His good, then we can be changed for the better.

I will admit that I felt the beginning of the story dragged a little bit. I was very excited for the characters and what was occuring in their storylines but I am an avid historical fiction reader. I felt as if the majority of this story takes place in modern time. It was written well - Jody Hedlund is a master with words! I just found myself wondering when the time travel was going to occur.