A review by jaemac
Unleashing Echoes by Meghan Ciana Doidge


This series was, hands down, totally spectacular. I mourned the finishing of the third book in this trilogy for days afterward. When the book first landed in my Kindle (after awaiting it’s arrival for months), I went onto GoodReads to see what other reviewers were saying. BTW, LOVE GoodReads, what a terrific way to talk about books and keep your library ordered, I haven’t forgotten an author since joining. Anyway, the reviews were stellar, not surprising, Meghan is a great writer of fantasy thrillers. But what really jumped out at me was when one reviewer said “You’re Gonna Cry” at the ending. OMG, I AM??! NOOOOO. I don’t want to cry, that means there’s something sad, I want the main character to “get the guy, win the day, take names etc.”. Damn, I’m gonna cry?

Ok, I didn’t cry. But I know what that reviewer was getting at. After finishing said book I spent a whole week pouting. I don’t usually do that, even with tragic endings, which this wasn’t… really. It was just that I WANTED a certain outcome and when I didn’t exactly get that outcome, I pouted like a little child who’d lost their lollypop. Let me tell you about the series so you’ll become a fan of Doidge’s work like I am.

Meghan started this saga of world building with the Dowser Series. In the first six books (which I highly recommend), she created side characters who deserved their own platform. The Reconstructionist trilogy was born. “Unleashing Echoes” is the third and last installment of this series so I strongly demand suggest that you start at book one, “Catching Echoes“. If you really do think this series is right up your alley then you just might want to start at the beginning of the Dowser Series, though it’s not actually necessary. One of the two main characters in this trilogy is a major player in the Dowser series too. Start with “Cupcakes, Trinkets & Other Deadly Magic“, I know you won’t regret it (GoodReads Review).

Meghan’s ability to build a new and unseen world around this one comes off as so natural that the reader will have no problem suspending disbelief. “Unleashing Echoes” is about Wisteria Fairchild, a Reconstructionist witch. Wisteria can feel residual magic and she uses that skill to reconstruct potentially illegal use of spells so steps can be taken to punish the perpetrator. In this third book, she must face down her uncle who abused the Fairchild children under the guise of “teaching” them how to be successful spell casters. Wisteria was one of those abused children, she’s going to have to confront her past, overcome the pain and become a stronger person or her evil uncle will win. The stakes are high, Uncle Jasper wants to be remade as an all powerful vampire. Someone from the Fairchild line will have to give up their life, be remade and fulfill the archaic contract that was signed years ago with the conclave.

Yes, I find it unusual that I can easily accept that vampires, witches and magic are real. Believe me, Meghan Ciana Doidge’s prose are decidedly convincing. You’ll fall in love with the characters, they’re so well wrought that at the end of the book you just can’t forget them. I already miss reading about Wisteria. Like a good book should, the experience of reading “Unleashing Echoes” makes me continue to wonder what she’d be up to now. I hope you go out and buy the first of this series. What a lucky reader you are, you can ask Santa for the trilogy to appear under your Christmas tree!