A review by yviie_reads
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo


OH MY GOD. Those are the first words that came to my mind. I mean ... well, I'm speechless, I think? WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST READ?! I loved the Grisha Trilogy but this one? Ultimately better. Everyone's been so hyped and made me really excited which led to me having super, super high expectations but ... It totally lived up to that! I'm actually so glad I took my time reading it - 2 weeks, people! IT TOOK ME TWO WEEKS!!! - because I had more of the characters, the world and the book itself.

"Better terrible truths than kind lies."

So, in Six of Crows we're following 6 incredible characters - Kaz, Inej, Nina, Matthias, Jesper & Wylan - on a mission that seems impossible and is bound to get everyone in trouble. Now, everyone who's read Shadow & Bone and the other two books knows that Leigh Bardugo is incredibly talented and writes amazing stuff, however, we only ever had one POV - Alina's. In this book there are 5 different POV's but don't worry, you won't get confused! Each characters is unique and has a past that made them all different and Bardugo definitely shows that in her writing.

I can't even pick a favorite character, to be honest. I'm 100% serious if I say I liked them all ... you just HAVE to. However, I have strong feels for Kaz. And Inej. And of course also Nina and Matthias. Just OH MY GOOOOOD. I love them all. And don't even get me started on the romance - it's subtle and not cheesy at all but oh-so heartwarming and sweet. Plus, there's not only one and I couldn't be happier about this!

"The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true."

Even though it took me two weeks to finish this piece of awesomeness, I couldn't stop reading. Or thinking of it, for that matter. I love the Grisha world and Six of Crows showed me again how much potential there is and how great it is to be so invested in a world like that with such brilliant characters.

The storyline was really, really, really amazing too! An impossible mission/job that can ruin everything if they fail? I mean, that alone sounds super interesting and dangerous but everything else this unlikely group discovers on their adventure adds a little bit more epicness to it. Everything just fits. It's like this whole concept is perfect and there's not one thing that doesn't make sense or doesn't fit. Or maybe I just can't think straight because I'm so hyped and in a fangirling mode ... I highly doubt that, haha.

What else can I say that makes you want to read this beauty ... if you DON'T want to read this by now then I don't know what's wrong with you, because it has everything you could wish for - brilliant, unique characters that you'll love, a detailed world that just sucks you in, no matter if you want to or not, and a thrilling plot that keeps you turning the pages faster than you can read. And the ending? Well, I'M CRAVING FOR BOOK 2! Ladies and Gentlemen, please go read this book IMMEDIATELY. You won't regret it.


November 29th, 2015:
WHAT AN AMAZING BOOK!!! *heart eyes*
Everyone go read this if you haven't already, it's SO, SO GOOD!!! GAAAH! ♥