A review by anyone
Breathless by Anne Stuart


Trope wise, I thought I would love this story. I love enemies to lovers, hidden motivations, betrayals that get revealed after falling in love, redemption arcs, etc. All that drama warms my soul.

However with this book, halfway through, I skipped to the end just so I could finish it and not have to read the rest. It's not that the characters weren't interesting -- they were. It's more that the hero and heroine's reactions to things were so absurd. Who just allows someone to rape her and feels fine after? Who would be blackmailed into getting married with basically no fuss at all? What's with the love between these two despite so much strife between them? I don't like that Miranda fell in love with Lucien despite what he was currently doing to her. He doesn't seem like much to love. He's got a bad leg and scars everywhere, he planned to have her raped, he threatened to kill her brothers.. and his motivation wasn't even good! His sister was crazy. The Rohans did nothing wrong. And I'm all for this type of redemption arc -- a completely immoral character finding morality in loving someone who has morals -- but I dunno.. I need my actually-bad boys to be more head over heels for the heroine. More "I would murder the person who hurt you" than "I'll do whatever it takes to be with you". More "your wish is my command".