A review by doctorwoofwoof
Thrawn by Timothy Zahn


I've recently gotten back into STAR WARS as a fandom (I have to ignore Episodes VII-IX, count ROGUE ONE as one of the best SW films, and regard SW REBELS and THE BAD BATCH as super-good++...How old am I again??!?). As I am getting reacquainted, I have found myself checking out a number of the novels, graphic or otherwise.

When I got to see Thrawn on REBELS - voiced perfectly by Lars Mikkelsen), I was reminded of Timothy Zahn's original Thrawn Trilogy. Then, I found out that Zahn had written some new, canonical Thrawn stuff, which brings me to this review...

A lot has been said about this book already, so I won't retread anything from others wrote/said. What I will say is this: this book was everything I hoped for and then some!

Zahns aforementioned Thrawn trilogy from the 90's, plus REBELS, did a bang-up job of giving some depth and substance to the character. However, it was with this book, the first of a new Thrawn trilogy that looks at some of his life and his role in the Empire pre-Thrawn trilogy (which I am told isn't really considered canon anymore, since the whole "Disney thing". EU - Expanded Universe - or something like that is what the pre-Disney novels are referred), that I really learned a lot about the man, and his mind!

Someone, somewhere, maybe a blog review, I read Thrawn's mind and thought processes were not unlike that of Sherlock Holmes. You know, I gotta agree with that person! Thrawn is analytical, almost so much so that he won't pick-up social cues! And, his aid, Eli Vanto (*not* a Spoiler!), is kinda like his Watson. Oh, and the adversary in this story is given a kinda-sorta Moriarty-like role.

As much as this is Thrawn's book, the story is also shared with Ahrinda Pryce, and how she becomes Governor of Lothal, and how she becomes the bitchy Gov we saw in REBELS. It also dovetails into Thrawn's story, giving some backstory on their initial meetings.

Sure, there were a couple spots (star destroyer fight passages, for one) where I would skim through, but overall, across the board, this was an excellent read! I look forward to read the other two books in the trilogy, as I imagine you will, after reading THRAWN, too!