A review by libraryoflanelle
Expansive Love: A Practical Guide to Relationship Anarchy by Tuck Malloy

challenging hopeful informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


‘Relationship anarchy is a balm to individualism and isolation. It is a return to our human need to care for others and be cared for ourselves. It is a reminder that we are valuable; regardless of what we can offer to capitalism, our bodies matter. Relationship anarchy offers us chosen family, expansive romance, diverse connections, and intimate friendships.’

Expansive Love
is so much more than a practical guide to relationship anarchy; I would argue it is an essential read for anyone in a relationship of any kind (read: all of us). I’m so grateful to Tuck for bringing together such a wealth of knowledge in this one resource. I really admired how much time Tuck spent grounding knowledge in the places it belongs, in particular how well they reiterated that white supremacy is at the root of many of the dysfunctional ways we are taught to approach relationships, in direct opposition to how Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities have long understood and practiced connection. 

I deeply appreciated the grounding check-ins throughout including frequent reflection prompting questions on what you as the reader are feeling and imagining as you read. These moments helped me stay engaged, and though I didn’t always put pen to paper, they encouraged me to mentally interact with the book in a way I might not have otherwise. It is evident that Tuck lives and breathes relationships, both personally and as a coach. While reading, I felt grounded and held, which is such a beautiful experience. Be prepared to come away from this book with an abundance of additional resources and thought experiments to implement in your own life.

Thanks to Jessica Kingsley Publishers and NetGalley for the e-arc. All opinions are my own.