A review by reader44ever
Agents of Light and Darkness by Simon R. Green


I really loved this story! It was absolutely fantastic!! :)

It opened with John Taylor's meeting with Jessica Sorrow the Unbeliever, an incredibly scary woman/thing. In this very same opening chapter, a frightened man was turned into a statue by unknowns for not having the correct Grail in his hands. What a harrowing and fun-to-read first chapter! :)

Soon everyone, from the Nightside's major players to angels from Above and Below, wants to hire/force John Taylor to find the Grail - the Unholy Grail, that is - for them. This makes for an incredibly vibrant and exciting story. :)

Among the horrific happenings, we learned
of an S&M club run by demons; that the entire 100-member Fourth Reich was gunned down; the Bedlam Boys were psionically giving people, including our very own John Taylor, intense phobias and manias; and the angels were busy turning even more people into salt statues!
It was scary yet fabulous to read about all this. :)

I really had to shudder, though, when I read of "The Speaking Gun." *shudder* I won't say too much about it; just suffice to say it's really disgusting, repulsive and sickening. *shudder*

The twists and turns never failed to take me by surprise, including the final one:
Jude the client turned out to be Judas Iscariot!
While this made perfect sense in retrospect, I was truly shocked! :)

John Taylor's force of will is to be admired. If only my own were as great: all the hints about John's mother are killing me! Here's hoping the next book will contain some revelations about her. :)

Review written after first reading, January 25-26, 2014.
Second reading in March 2015.