A review by handove
A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine

I want, Mahit thought, and with that phrase felt all the tumbling headlong desire to fall, and be subsumed, and be—oh, the Teixcalaanlitzlim she’d imagined herself in all those long-ago language instruction classes when she’d called herself Nine Orchid and thought poetry would be enough to make her the kind of person that a Teixcalaanlitzlim would automatically think of as a person.

NINETEEN ADZE GODDD arkady martine if you ever end up writing that novella about her i will donate my entire body to science

this had more actual action in it than book 1 but honestly i don't think i liked it quite as much? political intrigue is definitely my thing tho so that just meant amce appealed to me more. this had lesbianism and aliens and brain issues. i love you mahit dzmare