A review by ghostlydreamer
In Memories We Fear by Barb Hendee

Did not finish book.


I never finished this one. In fact, I don't think I got more than fifty pages into it, if that, when I realized I wasn't feeling this series, and never had, so why the hell was I telling myself I needed to read this? So I gave up. And I don't feel any regret about that. I've since come to terms with the fact that Barb Hendee's solo writing is not my cup of tea, and that this series was never going to fill the void in my heart that the Noble Dead Saga had left in it. The characters were over-dramatic, superficial, and irritating. The plot, while intriguing to some extent, fell flat in most areas. And the writing, while not necessarily poor, did little to captivate me. It wasn't hard to figure out that it was much more worth my while to move on to the next book.