A review by m_m_shoe
The Smiling Man by Joseph Knox


You can find this book review and others at my blog https://montanasmusings.wordpress.com

Uuuuummm.....wow. Just wow. This book immediately drew me in and I could not put it down. I started reading it around 11pm one night and had to tear myself away from my kindle at 4am so I could get some sort of shut eye. The exhaustion the next day was worth it.

Aidan Waits is a detective who works the night shift, and one night he discovers a body at the site of a reported break-in. He must tie up many loose ends not only in his professional life but his personal life as well.

This book was so intriguing. I don't normally read books like this so it was a nice break from the usual. It reminded me of all the crime shows I watch lol. The story kept my attention throughout, but towards the end it was getting a bit confusing. The reader won't be able to figure out the ending until it happens, so trying to put all the pieces together was hard because so much of it didn't make sense. But Knox is a great writer and by the end of the book I understood everything, no matter how outrageously impossible it seemed.

I would highly recommend this book to people. It was a fun read, and you will not be able to put it down.

*I received this book on NetGalley by Crown Publishing in exchange for an honest review.*