A review by bookcaseandcoffee
Code Name: Hacker by Sawyer Bennett


Griffin: Anti-hero, tough exterior, has a kindness toward kids
Bebe Grimshaw: We have seen glimpses of her in the previous 3 books. We know she is turning towards being a white hat hacker away from what sent her to prison.

I have been intrigued by Bebe Grimshaw throughout the Jameson Force series to date. We know bit of her past, but now we get the whole story, and boy what a story! I really like Bebe’s character. She is strong, resilient and has so much moxie. She is a very likeable character.

Griffin comes off as indifferent and callous at first. We quickly see his kind and sweet side. Even with a kill order for Bebe from his boss, he is doing what he can to figure out what is right and protect Bebe and her son. You can see him fighting with himself from the beginning knowing he doesn’t want to harm them. It takes a while to find out who he is, and it is a twist that made me slight angry but overall relieved.
Bebe's son Aaron has a very sweet minor role in the story. I enjoyed the complexity and layers he added to the interactions. He has an aged feel about him for being such a young boy.

Code Name: Hacker, was crazy with its twist and turns. As always Bennett leaves us wanting more and I like most cannot wait for her next installment of this series. Hacker was a 5/5 read for me. This is not a typical genre for me, but if Bennett puts her name on it, I WILL READ IT!