A review by eantoinette285
Fourth Debt by Pepper Winters


This series is absolutely unreal. My heart is shattered into a million pieces, my head is ready to explode, and I've been walking around in a funk since I began book one. Yet, still, I continue on because one, Pepper Winters has reeled me in hook, line, and sinker, and two, because I can't stop now and not know how this saga will end.

As I was about 90% done with this installment, I thought, "You know what? All the torture and abuse that has happened throughout this story have been obliterated because when something good happens, it's so unbelievable, that it just tramples over the darkness tenfold". Never let yourself think that with these books.. not one of them.

Jethro and Kes are dead, Vaughn is in captivity, Jasmine is hindered by her family and kept from being Nila's last hope, and Cut, Bonnie, and Daniel have increased their method of torture on Ms. Weaver to the point she begins to crack. Not just crack really, but splinter apart entirely. She tries desperately to cling to a sliver of hope to kill them all and get revenge for everyone and everything they've taken from her, but as days turn to weeks, she becomes a ghost of herself, and loses her spark by the minute.

Unbeknownst to her, help is on the way in the form of an army, but will they arrive too late to save her?

I just finished this book and as usual, I'm gobsmacked (yep.. went there). I had a feeling it would end the way it did, but I refuse to wrap my brain around it. I have nothing more to say than to just shut down and shut off the outside world until I can get through book six and the epilogue because the cliffhangers are shredding me apart, and I don't enjoy a lack of closure. Even though my heart is ready to combust from the suspense and the amount of evil Nila and her few alliances must endure, I insist on pressing on so that I know they must be okay when I hit the last page of the final book. My fingers are crossed and I'm trudging onwards no matter how much it hurts!