A review by jessiewolf
Eleven Percent: A Novel by Maren Uthaug


I don't know--I liked the snakes and the wolfdogs and the crows and the menstrual blood cakes, but the rest felt like it was either deeply transphobic, or trying to take a radical stance so far that it just fizzled out/circled back around? The elision of gender identity in a book based on sex segregation was deeply confusing--some characters are women who were assigned male at birth, but the cultural fear of penises and testosterone made these girls and their families hate themselves and take measures as drastic as...back alley bottom surgeries. It seemed like this book was trying to be sensational, but didn't really have a message at all behind the drama. The eerie tone and vibes of abandoned convents and snake priestesses kept me reading, but I don't think this book ultimately accomplished anything.