A review by firdaoushably08
The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis


Wow, This novel on rape culture was difficult to read, but it was quite good.

The story was told from the POV of three characters: Alex, whose sister was tortured, raped and murdered, Jack a dude who is basically a penis with a guy attached and Claire, known as Peekay, a nickname short for Preacher's Kid, who is struggling to find an identity outside of her dad's job.

There are a few supporting characters, but they are so stereotypical that they are not worth mentioning. But my favorite was Alex', who her life is defined by violence and she takes cold and remorseless revenge, but she is also wise beyond her age, giving advice such as, "Venting yourself in an emotional moment can be more than your socially constructed self can handle after the fact."

Is she a murderer? Yep. Did I love her? Yep.