A review by readerlatte
Crown of Coral and Pearl by Mara Rutherford


I would say that if you haven't read the synopsis then don't!! It gives away SO MUCH!!!

OMG Guys if you don't have this book on your TBR you are MISSING OUT!! This book blew me away, first with this gorgeous cover and then with an amazing story.

The story opened with us learning a little about twin sisters Nor and Zadie as well as about their world. The author did this amazing job creating a world of sea fairing people as well as the cold world around them. I was drawn in from the very first page and didn't let go until the end. It was well paced and the writing style was pretty straight forward. I was never lost and could not put this one down!! The pacing was spot on and it was never slow. I thought that as the story unfolded it was done step by step in this beautiful and terrifying world that Rutherford has created.

The characters were freaking amazing. I do think that the author could do a novella about what was going on with Zadie as the story is told from Nor's POV. It would be interesting to know what she was going through as Nor's eyes were opened to the adventure she was hoping for. We do get to know a little about this towards the end of the story but its from another character and not straight on. So this would totally hold me over until book two comes out.

The characters were fabulous I loved Nor and her determination to keep her family safe. Even her mother who at times I really wondered if she even loved her children. Being a mom myself I wonder what was really going through her mind as she got her children ready over the years to be chosen. What kind of life did she really think her children if chosen would go too? This is another wonderful novella that I would love to read about.

When Nor meets Talin you could tell that they were drawn to each other but to really call this insta-love I just don't see it. This book happens over the course of a few months. So it's not very quick, their romance does take time. Ceren is one of the most frighting characters that I have read in sometime. He is brutal and freaking crazy if you ask me. And I am pretty sure that there will be some major twists when it comes to him in the following books. At least I really hope so. He is one of those evil characters that you love to hate.

Trying to review this book is so hard!! I loved every second of it and I can not wait for book two. It is one that I will not soon forget and one that everyone needs to read!!

Overall, I loved the beginning, middle, and end of this one. The ending was very satisfying and even though I know this is a series I think this ending works well. It does leave some loose ends such as what is going on with Zadie and wither or not a certain character is dead but it does a really great job to be a full novel in its own right. It was full of twists and turns and I hope you love it as much as I did!!

Favorite Quotes: Please note that these quotes are from the ARC, also these apparently are backwards in reading order.

"As I walked away, I realized the part of me that wanted to stay was the part I would never be able to listen to again."

"But he was right. I wanted to dance with him. And I may never get the chance to be held by someone I desired again."

"Mother had given us one gift, at least, that no amount of time or distance could erase, each other."

"Just as beauty cannot disguise who we really are beneath the surface."

"I'll go. But it will be my body that leaves, and nothing more. Samiel has my heart, and you dear sister, my soul."

"Varenia is my home. You and Samiel are my home. What more can the world possibly have to offer?" "Roses, I thought. And horses and castles and all manner of things I hadn't dared to imagine, surely. What didn't the world have to offer?"