A review by chelsealouise
Wonder Woman: Tempest Tossed by Laurie Halse Anderson


4/5 Stars: ‘Wonder Woman: Tempest Tossed’ is a Young Adult, DC Graphic Novel by Laurie Halse Anderson and illustrated by Leila del Duca; ‘Wonder Woman: Tempest Tossed’ portrays Diana of Themyscira as a boisterous, gutsy, and compassionate 16-year-old trying to figure out how the world works. Anderson devises a down-to-earth plot that plays to the protagonist's strengths but does not feel the need for giant-scale superheroics. Del Duca captures the character's beauty but also gives her a note of earthiness. Diana saves the day more than once, but she's not all-powerful in the way that the adult version of her character can sometimes seem. Suspenseful, funny, and timely, ‘Tempest Tossed’ is a wild and valuable ride for newcomers and long-time fans. Trigger warning for child trafficking, but actual exploitation is not depicted. There are fistfights, gunplay, and the throwing of furniture and cars. ‘Tempest Tossed’ begins to veer away from the original Wonder Woman from DC Comics history; it is not Steve Trevor, Army Pilot, who washes up on the shores of Themyscira fresh from fighting the Nazi’s in WW2. Instead it is a male refugee, thrown from a capsizing boat of men, women and children escaping war in their home country. The novel uses its platform to tell a story which speaks to our core morality and inner strength.