A review by broccolimom
A Face for Picasso: Coming of Age with Crouzon Syndrome by Ariel Henley


3.5 stars, rounded up to 4.

I confess to choosing this book by the title. It just sounded interesting, I didn't realize it was a memoir until I read the blurb. A Face for Picasso is the memoir of Ariel (and by association her twin sister Zan) Henley - girls born in 1990 with the rare Crouzon's Disease which causes the bones in the head/face to fuse prematurely.

Ariel Henley writes with honesty, emotion, and frailty. It is moving and heart-wrenching. At the same time, it is inspirational and really fascinating to learn about the facts of her over 60 surgeries as well as what it felt like to grow up in her skin.

Sometimes I didn't love the writing-it felt a bit simple or too conversational, but I suppose that should be forgiven in a memoir!

Highly recommended.