A review by lorrainelowereads
Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams



⁣Queenie is written in a very light hearted way (think The Flatshare or Bridget Jones’s Diary) but yet many serious issues are highlighted. Queenie is a Jamaican-British Black woman who has just been dumped and whose job is not going well and who just can’t seem to ‘be happy and normal’, despite her attempts to sort herself out. The casual racism and racist misogyny that Queenie encounters is shocking to say the least but I can well imagine it is based on lots of real life experiences. I’m not sure if all of the humour worked for me and some of the set scenes felt a bit awkward but I think it’s a good book to read for anyone aspiring to be an intersectional feminist (which should be everyone, obviously).⁣