A review by brimelick
Brisingr by Christopher Paolini


As someone who grew up obsessing with Eragon and his adventures, I am rereading the series, and it never fails to be nostalgic. The third book of the four has never been my favorite, but it is enjoyable nonetheless. I have always enjoyed Nasuada being an absolute badass queen as the leader of the Varden, and now that I am a bit older than I was the first few times I read the book, I understand her decisions so much more. Saphira and Eragon, as a duo, never fail to be the perfect dynamic of a dragon and dragon rider thrust into the position they are in. Eragon is still a teen, and Paolini allows him to make teenage mistakes as would happen in the real world (a real world with dragons, of course). I'm looking forward to getting more into the series as more media is released.