A review by the_ya_assassin
The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa


This book was pretty good, surprisingly!! I think this sequel was better than the first one, to be perfectly honest.

It had the romance, mystery, and world the first one had. Maybe it was even a little amplified, which was a nice touch!

Only one thing I REALLY didn't like:
- Meghan acted very immaturely IMO. Ash LITERALLY said that he could not show his feelings towards her while in Winter Court, especially not in front of Mab, so IDK why she reacted the way she did. I just wanted to wring her neck because she was wallowing in her sorrow 'cause she THOUGHT that she lost Ash.

I also saw the whole love triangle coming in the previous book. Before the second chapter ended in The Iron King, I KNEW Robbie (aka, Puck, aka Robin Goodfellow) LOVED Meghan. Sooooooooooooo when he FINALLY revealed this feelings to her, she was as oblivious as freaking Sophie Foster from [b:Keeper of the Lost Cities|12842828|Keeper of the Lost Cities (Keeper of the Lost Cities, #1)|Shannon Messenger|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1326469854l/12842828._SX50_.jpg|17993650] of his feelings and it was so OBVIOUS.

Also, anyone else catch Ironhorse calling Meghan "my queen" before he died? I think when she killed the Iron King, she took on his powers. I wonder how that's going to develop in The Iron Queen - The title alone gives it away.