A review by sassypantsreading
Stalking Cinderella by Leann Belle


Stalking Cinderella was my least favorite book in the Vicious Wonders series. Right off the bat, I figured out that I like the fantasy worlds and quests of the other books in the series. Though Stalking Cinderella does have a bit of paranormal/fantasy with Nero, it wasn’t the same. This book was by far the least dark, but it had an underlying ick factor for me that reeked of grooming. I didn’t feel like the plot was very well developed and there wasn’t a redemption arc for any of the characters. There’s next to no backstory on why Nero is involved. I don’t think Rowan and Zakari treat Elise with any modicum of respect, and I hated that Elise is basically nothing more than a slave to her body. The author definitely brought the heat with Stalking Cinderella, but without chemistry between the characters, it fell flat. This book just really didn’t do it for me, unfortunately. I am, however, otherwise obsessed with the series, so I will continue reading. 

I received a copy of Stalking Cinderella from BookSirens. I am leaving my review voluntarily.