A review by janeeyre_914716
Red Alert: An NYPD Red Mystery by Marshall Karp, James Patterson


*after 3 times reading/listening to this, I officially give it 5 stars*

KYLIE: "Zach, you know what I hate about this job?"

ZACH: "A**-kissing. But on the plus side, you're getting very good at it."

first off, it's been awhile since I've had some music playing in the background while I write a book review and I've been in a HUGE mood for Keith Urban's GRAFFITI U album and so, thank you Alexa for playing this amazing album while I write this review but also cause I'm too lazy to hook up my phone to my blue-tooth speaker haha. it's also a good thing no none's around in my kitchen cause I'm dancing really weird and singing off key so yeah... which idc about the off key thing UNLESS I have to sing for something. but in general, I'm singing off key for fun ;) (despite being a singer even though I think I suck haha)


Okay so after NYPD Red 4 came out January of 2016, and after A LONG TIME of no news of a 5th book because of all the open holes, I was STOKED and so excited to read this 5th book last year when it was announced to come out last March. BUT it changed to the end of March this year and I was PISSED of course. But after waiting a year and two months PLUS an additional month in a half of being on the library hold list for this book, I can say it was worth the wait.


Now, 3 stars is good for me in my rating system which is an "okay" but still enjoyable enough. the storyline just wasn't perfectly as executed as I would have liked it to be, but it was still a fun read. There were a few things I thought were kind of random, and felt like one of the stories with the second case Zach and Kylie had to take on was unnecessary and the story of Zach looking up a particular person without a friends consent (only to protect them) was an okay add on, but three separate stories, plus having to go out of the country for 5-6 chapters or so... it felt like Patterson and Karpp didn't know what to do with this story, but it's a good thing they've created great and fun detectives: Zach Jordan and Kylie MacDonald. I seriously freaking LOVE these two! so they pretty much saved this story for me.

but I guess overall, it wasn't quite my favorite, but still a fun read and I DID find myself laughing and grinning from ear to ear once in awhile which is a good thing. But I'm still hoping we get at least one more or a few other book in this series or better yet, as I keep saying a crime show with Zach and Kylie just cause they're seriously two of the greatest characters and I'm so glad I picked this series up back when book 2 was just about to come out years ago. I would seriously LOVE LOVE LOOOOVE to see these characters and a few others in here come to life on screen on a tv series. it would be so much fun!