A review by pagesplotsandpints
Quidditch Through the Ages by Kennilworthy Whisp


Loved it! So much fun and once again, makes it just feel SO real. Well done, JK Rowling, as usual!

Full review originally posted HERE on The Book Addict's Guide: QUIDDITCH THROUGH THE AGES was a bit more enjoyable for me. It’s still a sort of reference book but there are a lot of little stories too since we’re getting more info on Quidditch history. It’s not just pure reference and involves small anecdotes and facts about Quidditch itself and players throughout history.

One thing that always ceases to amaze me is how much detail J.K. Rowling puts into her worlds. These companion books are just further proof of that. She not only invents the sport of Quidditch, but also comes up with famous players, how the game was invented, rules, fouls, penalties, and so much more.

I think my favorite thing was learning more about the history of the sport, taking us back hundreds of years. The details are just incredible and this book flowed a lot more smoothly versus an index of beasts (see above). I almost wish there was another section that was a bit more reference like, listing a sort of Guiness Book for Quidditch — facts of longest game, best player, most fouls, shortest game — some of these facts were actually mentioned in the book, but I’d like to see them as a list (although I’m sure someone’s listed it on a website somewhere. If so, link me up)!